Brand New for Twenty Two

I’m Luke, I run the Waiting Room vegetarian restaurant with some amazing people who I’ll introduce as time goes by. I’ll be writing something into this new scrapbook blog most days in 2022, as part of a year-long project to create a book about the restaurant. This will be a kind of diary and scrapbook of events, recollections, recipes, photographs, anecdotes, collages, creative doodles and more - as we undertake our book project alongside some other exciting new ventures for 2022.

I’ll be getting deep into the story of the restaurant and our food as the book project gathers snow;- but first up of our new ventures is this new website, which I’m currently making but which you are now looking at, which we hope to publish by the end of the week. (We’re creating a new site because we’re creating a new shop (and we couldn’t do what we need to do on Squarespace version 7 - but we can on version 7.1! (if we start from scratch)) By the way, some of what I might write in this blog, might not be wholly interesting, and some of it is likely to be a little ‘interior’ - I guess its part personal project diary and part test ground.

…Our new shop though, is actually a physical shop next door to The Waiting Room, in what had been Clarkes Motorcycles for the past 40 years, with Derek and Connie Clarke living upstairs from the workshop and motorbike testing station below. We’re opening a new organic bakery, wholefood grocery and vegetarian takeaway and will be concentrating on this over the next few weeks.

It is to be known as The Waiting Room Grocery Department


Our New Shop and Old Shop Sign